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Ontario Nipissing University
[Image: nipiss.gif]
Nipissing University
100 College Dr
PO Box 5002
North Bay ON  P1B 8L7
Tel: 705-474-3450
Fax: 705-474-1947

Domestic Student Recruitment
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4200
Fax: 705-474-1947
Email: [email protected]
Office: F305
International Student Recruitment
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4433
Email: [email protected]
Office: F308-B
Fee Payment Inquiries - [email protected]

General Financial Aid Inquiries - [email protected]

Student Accessibility Services - [email protected]

Student Counselling Services - [email protected]

Student Development Services - General Inquiries - [email protected]

Student Learning and Transitions / Academic Skills - [email protected]

Residence - [email protected]

Academic Inquiries
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4600
Fax: 705-495-1772
Email: [email protected]
Office: F209
Registrar's Office
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4521
Fax: 705-495-1772
Email: [email protected]
Office: F209
Graduate Studies
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4292
Email: [email protected]
Office: A205
Office of Indigenous Initiatives
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4899
Fax: 705-472-8601
Email: [email protected]
Office: F215
International Student Support
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4321
Email: [email protected]
Office: F204
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4421
Email: [email protected]
Media Inquiries
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4615
Email: [email protected]
Security Office
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 5555
Campus Security Cell (24 hours): 705-498-7244
Call 911 for Ambulance, Fire, Police, or Crisis situation
Email: [email protected]
Office: B203
Alumni Office
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4573
Email: [email protected]
Employment Opportunities
Visit: Employment Postings
Email: [email protected]
University Technology Services (UTS)
Telephone: 705-474-3450 x 4342
Email: [email protected]
Office: A139
For inquiries regarding our website, please contact [email protected]. If you are experiencing technical issues, please contact University Technology Services at [email protected].
Nipissing  Fast Facts
While the roots of Nipissing University extend back to the 1900s with the North Bay Normal School, Nipissing University College was formed in 1967 as an affiliate of Laurentian University.
Nipissing University received its charter as an independent University in 1992, and was created to address the specific needs of Northern Ontario. Nipissing’s strategic priorities regarding the student experience as well as academic and research excellence is grounded in this commitment.

Nipissing is proud to be a primarily undergraduate university with a reputation for excellence in teacher education, arts, science, professional programs, and is proportionally the most nursing intensive university in Ontario.

Nipissing’s strategic focus on student success and experience has translated into consistent top rankings in the country in the areas of student support, student experience, faculty, and residences as a primarily undergraduate institution. Students find themselves in a high-quality academic environment that is student-focused and based on personal teaching practices, innovative approaches to learning, and a growing research culture.

Access and equity have been a longstanding priority of Nipissing with a focus on students who might not otherwise participate in postsecondary education without interventions and support. Nipissing has experienced continued growth in the enrolment of full-time first generation students, increases in the number of students with disabilities, and the number of full-time Indigenous students enrolled at the University.

Nipissing is committed to making an impact and playing a positive role in the educational, social, cultural and economic life in the communities it serves.

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Nipissing University - by freeadsnews - 09-01-2024, 10:50 AM

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