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Looking for Actors / Models (Hollywood) - Printable Version

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Looking for Actors / Models (Hollywood) - freeadsnews - 10-05-2023

Hello, My name's Vincent Albo and I am an aspiring Photographer in LA. I am looking to update and get more for Headshots and Portrait photos in my portfolio. As for me, I have been traveling all over Europe and been taking a lot of travel pictures more specifically shooting with 35mm Film Cameras. I would love collaborate and take Headshots for any new and aspiring Actors and Models with my Film and Digital Cameras and in return I will trade you a professional shoot and edit version for you. I don't have any studio set up yet so preferably we can do outdoor and sometime around between 4-6pm time of the day. I will attach the ideal looks and photos that I would like to accomplish with you and also my instagram account as a photographer.
William Albo
Travel Photographer

try a Virtual Reality Experience! (Playa Vista) Get paid $30 

Research Participants Invited:

Virtual Reality Exploration

Description: If you agree to participate in this research study, you will be asked to freely explore 6 virtual environments. You will use a virtual reality Head Mounted Display (VR headset) that includes an eye gaze tracker. The purpose of this research is to determine which objects catch your eye, and to gauge the overall attractiveness of virtual environments.

Study Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Compensation: You have the potential to earn $30 for your participation, to be paid via Cash after completion of the study.

Location/Time: Sessions will be scheduled by appointment at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies Playa Vista office. All COVID safety protocols will be adhered to, including social distancing, and full wipe-downs of all equipment between participants.

Who is eligible: Must be 18 years old or older, a fluent speaker of English, and be without any impairment that would interfere with the viewing of moving images through a virtual reality headset. The informed consent form will be provided to you by email prior to scheduling any participation, to allow a full review of requirements.

For questions or to sign up: please contact our team via email: MxRLab @