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Ontario Trent University
[Image: trentu.png] 

Trent University

1600 West Bank Dr
Peterborough ON  K9J 7B8
Tel: 705-748-1011
Admissions: 705-748-1215
Fax: 705-748-1629

Thank you for contacting Trent University. Please see below for frequently accessed department email addresses and Trent University contact information.
By Phone
Peterborough: (705) 748-1011
Durham GTA: (905) 435-5100
Toll Free: 1-855-MY-TRENT (1-855-698-7368)
To reach a specific department, staff or faculty member, please use our online directory.
By Mail
Peterborough Campus
Trent University
1600 West Bank Drive
Peterborough, Ontario
Canada K9L 0G2
Durham GTA Campus
Trent University Durham Greater Toronto Area
55 Thornton Road South
Oshawa, Ontario
Canada L1J 5Y1
Admissions Inquiries
Undergraduate Admissions
Email: [email protected] or [email protected] (Durham GTA campus)
Graduate Admissions
International Admissions
Indigenous Admissions
Point of Contact: Kelli Marshall (Indigenous Enrolment Advisor)
Phone: (705) 748-1011 ext.6228
Donate or Volunteer:
Employment Opportunities:
Current job openings 
Phone: (705) 748-1011 ext.1460
Media Inquiries:
Phone: (705) 748-1011 ext.6180
Find a Trent Expert to comment on important and timely issues.

One of Canada's top universities, Trent University was founded on the ideal of interactive learning that's personal, purposeful and transformative.

Consistently recognized as one of Canada’s top universities, and the #1 undergraduate university in Ontario for 13 years running, Trent University is home to a dynamic community of scholars embodying our motto nunc cognosco ex parte – now I know in part – valuing what has been learned, and what is yet to be discovered.
Attracting excellent students from across the country and around the world, Trent is known for leadership in teaching, research, and student satisfaction. Here, students connect and collaborate with faculty, staff, and their peers through diverse communities that span our unique collegiate communities, disciplines, hands-on research, co-op and career experience, and community-based activities.
Across all disciplines, Trent brings critical, integrative thinking to life every day. Popular among students is Trent’s uniquely flexible learning environment where a single faculty of arts and science allows students to fully customize their degree in a way that truly reflects their goals and interests.
Trent University offers students the opportunity to study in more than 100 programs across two campuses. The Peterborough campus features award-winning architecture and innovative and academically-rigorous programs housed on 1,400 acres in a breathtaking natural setting on the banks of the Otonabee River. A second campus, Trent Durham Greater Toronto Area, is located in Oshawa and offers career-ready academic programs and experiences. A new residence and academic building opened at this growing campus in Fall 2020.
Come to Ontario’s top undergraduate university – and challenge the way you think.
We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the treaty and traditional territory of the Mississauga Anishinaabeg. We offer our gratitude to First Peoples for their care for, and teachings about, our earth and our relations. May we honour those teachings.

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Trent University - by freeadsnews - 09-02-2024, 07:34 AM

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