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Ontario Royal Military College
[Image: rmc.gif]
Royal Military College
PO Box 17000 Stn Forces
Kingston ON  K7K 7B4
Tel: 613-541-6000
Admissions: 613-541-6000 ext 6984 or 6652
Fax: 613-542-3565

Office Telephone Fax E-mail
The Commandant (613) 541-6000 ext 6206 (613) 541-6337 [email protected]
The Principal (613) 541-6000 ext 3880 (613) 541-6039 [email protected]
Vice-Principal Academic (613) 541-6000 ext 3571 (613) 541-6584 [email protected]
Vice-Principal, Research (613) 541-6000 ext 3728 (613) 541-6064 [email protected]
Dean of Graduate Studies (613) 541-6000 ext 3728 (613) 541-6064 [email protected]
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (613) 541-6000 ext 6970 (613) 541-6952 [email protected]">[email protected]
Dean of Engineering (613) 541-6000 ext 6371 [email protected]
Dean of Science (613) 541-6000 ext 6419 (613) 541-6584 [email protected]

The Dominion Government, led by Alexander Mackenzie, passed an act in Parliament in 1874 to establish a military college "for the purpose of providing a complete education in all branches of military tactics, fortification, engineering, and general scientific knowledge in subjects connected with and necessary to thorough knowledge of the military profession."
On June 1, 1876, the Military College of Canada was founded and opened its doors to the first class of eighteen officer cadets. 
"The Royal Military College of Canada Degrees Act, 1959," passed by the 25th Ontario Legislature and given Royal Assent on March 26, 1959, empowers the College to confer degrees in Arts, Science, and Engineering.
RMC now offers a wide variety of programmes in these three areas, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels offered both on site through traditional studies, and by distance learning.
In 2026, RMC will mark the sesquicentennial anniversary of its opening.
[Image: mackenzie-sepia_0.jpg]T
The Administration Building was opened in 1878. It was renamed the Mackenzie Building in honour of Canada’s second Prime Minister, Alexander Mackenzie, the founder of the Royal Military College of Canada.

[Image: mackenzie-alexander.jpg]
Alexander Mackenzie was the founder of the College. In spite of the dislike of his many followers for standing armies, he personally rejected permanent militia schools in favour of a cadet college to produce career officers. He probably regarded this as the first logical step towards providing Canada with an effective military force.

The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) is part of the re-focused Canadian Defence Academy (CDA), which continues to exist now as an ‘education group’ composed of RMC, Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean), the Canadian Forces College (CFC), and the Chief Warrant Officer Robert Osside Profession of Arms Institute; with the mandate to uphold distinction in the Profession of Arms.
As per its 2003 Charter, CDA exists to champion lifelong learning, and to promote the professional development of members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). CDA will continue to devote efforts to ensure that the CAF Profession of Arms and Professional Development System remains credible and affordable.

The Royal Military College of Canada is a military university.
It is a unique national military university that provides the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with exemplary officers to serve Canada, delivering undergraduate programs in the Social Sciences, the Humanities, Science and Engineering in both official languages. 
RMC offers 20 exceptional undergraduate programmes that each include a core curriculum to 1,200 students that is directly connected to the profession of arms.
RMC is an important national institution living up to the tradition that sets RMC apart from other Canadian universities. It produces military leaders ready to serve with distinction, producing graduates well-exposed both culturally and academically to a military ethos, and who have the skill sets essential for success as leaders representing Canada internationally. 
RMC aspires to a positive environment built on clarity and unity of purpose, creating a harmonious atmosphere by behaving with integrity and by treating people with respect. It is a military university that embraces its institutional culture and values while respecting diversity.
But RMC not only produces military leaders - it is also a leader in defence research, responding to the research needs of the Defence and security community, and Canadian society. RMC’s research activities are inspired by a culture of discovery and innovation that is inquiry-based. They lead to the generation, transfer and sharing of knowledge, especially that which is relevant to Defence and security. RMC is pursuing, generating and transferring knowledge; inspiring and motivating faculty and students.
RMC has state-of-the-art research facilities uniquely located on its campus such as a nuclear reactor, wind tunnels, an anechoic chamber, an observatory, an ammunition lab, a civil engineering lab, and a cyber-lab, to name a few. Some of our research is sensitive or classified and is often conducted at RMC in direct support of operations.
Recognized nationally and internationally as a military university of academic excellence, RMC delivers education of the highest quality at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and in specialized professional development.

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